Preparatory training is not mandatory. Your application is reviewed based solely on the requirements in IECEx OD 504.
If an applicant wishes to take preparatory training before his or her assessments, any training body can be used. IECEx has an updated list of Recognized Training Providers at their web page iecex.com that you can consult if you want training that is aligned with IECEx OD 503 and 504.
Exert Certification can offer a range of Ex-courses, including preparatory training. Please note that our certification services and training services are handled by separate departments, and choosing Exert Certification as your training body will not mean any additional benefits compared to other training providers. The training department does not know any other details about the assessments except for what is publically available in IECEx OD 504.
If you want to choose Exert as your supplier of preparatory training, you are welcome to contact any of our training centers. See next page for contact details for our training centers and partners.
We will review your application within 5 working days to let you know if it is complete. Once your application is complete, the review time will differ depending on how good your documentation is, and how many reference checks we need to do.
If the review is successful, your status will be changed from "Applicant" to "Candidate", and you can sign up for your certification assessments.
After your assessments, we will mark your score within 2 weeks days and let you know the result by email.
If your assessment was successful and you have paid all fees, your certificate will be issued at iecex.com . IECEx will print your wallet ID card and send it to us, and we will forward it to you. This might take up to 4 weeks.
Our prices vary slightly between our different locations. Please contact your assessment center for updated prices.
Decisions taken by the Certification Body can be appealed. Please see the document section for the general description of the process.
If you want to renew or extend the scope of your CoPC you can use your original Certification Body or any other Certification Body. If you change CB, the original PCAR's will be cancelled and replaced by a new PCAR's from your new CB.
The system does not allow a CoPC to be issued with PCAR's from multiple Certification Bodies. Please make sure that the CB you chose can offer the full scope of certification that you need.
Exert Certification accepts Ex 001 from all other certification bodies as a valid prerequisite for higher units. Keep in mind that any limitations on your Ex 001 will require the same limitations on the higher units.